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atrocious very evil, cruel, or brutal. [1/2 definitions]
barbarian a savage, brutal person. [1/4 definitions]
barbaric of or resembling barbarians; savage; primitive; brutal. [1/2 definitions]
barbarism a crude or brutal act, custom, or characteristic. [1/3 definitions]
barbarity a wantonly brutal or sadistic act. [1/3 definitions]
barbarous brutal; cruel. [1/3 definitions]
beast an animal or human that acts like a cruel or brutal monster. [1/3 definitions]
bloodbath a brutal and indiscriminate slaughter of many people or a whole population; massacre. [1/2 definitions]
brutality the condition or quality of being brutal or very cruel. [2 definitions]
brute savage or cruel; brutal. [1/5 definitions]
brutish being unfeeling, brutal, very stupid, or the like; savage.
butchery brutal and senseless killing; slaughter. [1/3 definitions]
cave man (informal) a man who is rough, crude, or brutal, esp. toward women. [1/2 definitions]
fascism (often cap.) a system of government characterized by strong, often dictatorial control of political and economic affairs, and often by warlike nationalism and brutal suppression of political dissidents and ethnic minorities. [1/3 definitions]
inhuman without human feelings such as warmth, mercy, or sympathy; cruel, brutal, or not caring.
inquisition questioning that is prolonged, unrelenting, or brutal. [1/5 definitions]
oppressive harsh, brutal, or cruel. [1/2 definitions]
overbrutal combined form of brutal.
pandour any brutal and cruel soldier. [1/2 definitions]
ride roughshod over to treat harshly or with brutal force.
scathing harshly condemning; brutal. [1/2 definitions]