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abbey a religious place or building where monks or nuns live.
A/C abbreviation of "air conditioning," a system that circulates cooled and dehumidified air in a building, car, or other space.
acoustic intended to modify or improve sound quality, as a building material. [1/3 definitions]
adobe a building material of clay mixed with straw that has been dried by the sun and made into bricks. [2 definitions]
air conditioner a device that circulates cooled and dehumidified air in a building, car, or other space.
air conditioning a system that circulates cooled and dehumidified air in a building, car, or other space.
air shaft a narrow vertical passage through which fresh air can reach an otherwise enclosed area such as the interior of a building; ventilating shaft.
air well a usu. central court that is enclosed by the exterior walls of a building and provides air and light.
amphitheater an oval or round building with seats rising in rows from an open, central area. Amphitheaters are used for sports and other public events.
annex a building added to an existing building. An annex may be attached to or separate from the main building. [1/3 definitions]
apartment one or more rooms that people live in and that are part of a building.
apartment building a building in which there are a number of individual apartments.
apartment house a building containing a number of individual apartments; apartment building.
apse a projection at the end of a church or other building, usu. having a domed or arched roof.
apt. abbreviation of "apartment," a room or set of rooms used as living space by a single household and usu. located in a building containing a number of such rooms or sets of rooms.
aquarium A building where water animals and plants are kept and displayed. [1/2 definitions]
architecture the style or way of building. [1/2 definitions]
arcuation the use of arches in building. [1/3 definitions]
arena a building that has an arena. [1/3 definitions]
arsenal a building used for storing weapons and ammunition.
ashlar to face (a building) with ashlars. [1/3 definitions]