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bouquet a bunch of flowers, often arranged in a special way to be attractive.
bunch to collect into a bunch; bundle. [2/4 definitions]
caboodle (informal) group of things or people; bunch; lot.
corsage a small bunch of flowers worn by a woman at the shoulder, waist, or on the wrist.
nosegay a small bunch or bouquet of flowers.
sponge the light mass of skeleton that comes from certain types of sponges. One bunch of this skeleton material can hold a lot of water when it is wet. People use sponges for cleaning and bathing. [1/5 definitions]
tassel an ornament made of a bunch of threads or cords. The threads are tied together at one end and hang free at the other. [1/2 definitions]
tuft a small bunch of cut threads, used as a decoration. [1/8 definitions]
tussock a clump, tuft, or bunch of growing grass, sedge, or the like.
wisp a thin bundle, bunch, tuft, streak, or the like, as of straw, hair, or smoke. [1/4 definitions]