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bale a large, tightly packed bundle tied together with cord or wire.
band2 to tie with a strip of material in order to tell apart or bundle together; put a band on. [1/4 definitions]
bedroll bedding rolled into a portable bundle, as for camping outdoors.
besom a broom, esp. one formed by a bundle of twigs or brush attached to a handle.
bindle (slang, old-fashioned) a bundle of possessions carried by a hobo, usually including bedding. Traditionally, a bindle might be tied to a stick and carried over the shoulder.
broom a device for sweeping. A broom has a bundle of straw or a brush attached to the end of a long handle.
bunch to collect into a bunch; bundle. [1/4 definitions]
bundle to put into a bundle. [1/3 definitions]
cable a bundle of insulated wires used to carry electric current. [1/5 definitions]
fagot to make a bundle of; bind. [1/4 definitions]
fascicle a small bundle or cluster of fibers, such as stems, flowers, or leaves in plants, or nerve fibers in animals. [1/2 definitions]
furl to become rolled into a bundle around an axis. [1/4 definitions]
kip1 a bundle of such hides. [1/2 definitions]
package an object or bundle that is packed, wrapped, or boxed; bundle. [1/3 definitions]
packet a small bundle or parcel.
peduncle a stalklike bundle of nerve fibers that connects various parts of the brain. [1/2 definitions]
sheaf a bound bundle of cut grain. [2 definitions]
shock2 a bundle of stalks of corn or other grain standing upright against one another in a field.
straw man a bundle of straw made to resemble a human being; scarecrow. [1/4 definitions]
tract1 a bodily system of parts and organs that perform a specific body function, or a bundle of nerve fibers with a common function and common beginning and ending points. [1/2 definitions]
wisp a thin bundle of hay, tuft of hair, or small bit of something else. [1/2 definitions]