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ablaze on fire; burning. [1/2 definitions]
acid rain rain that has high acidity because of being mixed with pollutants such as vehicle exhausts and residues from burning of fossil fuels for energy or from chemical manufacturing.
afire burning; on fire. [1/2 definitions]
aflame burning with interest and excitement; afire. [1/2 definitions]
afterburner a device that increases the thrust of a jet engine by injecting fuel into the exhaust gases for burning. [2 definitions]
arson the crime of burning buildings on purpose.
auto-da-fé the public execution of such sentences, esp. the burning of heretics at the stake. [1/2 definitions]
blow out to stop the burning of something with the movement of air.
blowtorch a portable oil-burning or gas-burning device producing an intense, localized flame suitable for melting or cutting metal.
brand a mark made, as on cattle, by burning with a hot iron, to indicate identity or ownership. [2/8 definitions]
burn an instance of burning. [1/14 definitions]
burn out to stop burning or giving off heat. [1/2 definitions]
carbon black any of various finely divided forms of carbon obtained from the incomplete burning of natural gas or petroleum oil, and used to make ink, pigments, and rubber, and as a filtering agent.
caustic capable of burning away, corroding, or destroying tissue by chemical action. [1/3 definitions]
censer a small container, often swung from chains by a cleric in religious ceremonies, in which the fragrance of burning incense is dispersed.
charbroil to broil over burning charcoal.
charcoal the solid, black form of carbon made by burning wood or other matter in a space with very little oxygen. [1/2 definitions]
cinder (pl.) any of various residues of burning, such as ashes, slag, or volcanic lava. [1/4 definitions]
clinker1 a hard stonelike chunk left from the burning of coal. [1/2 definitions]
coal a piece of burning or glowing coal or wood. [1/2 definitions]
coal gas a noxious gas given off by burning coal. [1/2 definitions]