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blackberry the prickly bush that bears this fruit. [1/2 definitions]
blueberry the bush that produces this berry. [1/2 definitions]
bramble a kind of berry bush with thorns on its stems. Raspberry and blackberry plants are brambles.
branch a woody part of a tree or bush that grows out from the trunk. [1/2 definitions]
brier1 a kind of thorny plant or bush. [1/2 definitions]
bush2 to provide with a bush or bushing. [1/3 definitions]
bush leaguer (informal) someone associated with a bush-league group or sphere of activity. [1/2 definitions]
bushranger in Australia, a bandit who lives in the bush.
bushy looking like a bush; thick and shaggy.
currant the sour berry of a bush related to the gooseberry. Currants are used in making buns, pies, and jelly. [1/2 definitions]
evergreen a tree, bush, or other plant with leaves that remain green throughout the year. [1/2 definitions]
forsythia a bush that has bright yellow flowers along its long, thin branches. Forsythias bloom in early spring.
greasewood any of various similar plants, such as the creosote bush. [1/2 definitions]
haw1 the fruit of a hawthorn bush or tree.
holly a type of bush or tree with small white flowers, red berries, and shiny green leaves with sharp, pointed edges. [1/2 definitions]
honeysuckle a bush or vine with white, yellow, or pink flowers that have a sweet smell and taste.
huckleberry a low berry bush common in North America. The huckleberry is related to the blueberry. [1/2 definitions]
rose1 a flower that has a sweet smell, comes in many colors, and grows on a bush. There are often sharp points on the stem of a rose.
rosebush a bush that bears roses.
salmonberry a variety of raspberry bush found in the western United States. [1/2 definitions]
shoot a bit of new growth, as on a plant, bush, or tree. [1/19 definitions]