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account an arrangement with a store or other business that allows a customer to pay for goods or services on credit offered by the store instead of the customer using cash at the time of sale or using a standard credit card. In such cases, the store generally offers its own store credit card. [3/16 definitions]
accountant a person who checks and takes care of business records or accounts.
accounting the profession or system of keeping record of the money that is spent or taken in by a business or person.
account payable an amount owed to a creditor by a business, usu. for goods and services received.
account receivable an amount owed to a business by a debtor, usu. for goods and services received.
address the place where one lives or a business is located. The address has the street name and number, city, and state or province. [1/6 definitions]
administration the people in charge of a group, organization, or business.
administrator a person who manages, especially in business or public affairs.
advertise to present as good or favorable in order to win people's business or support. [1/3 definitions]
advertising the act, job, or business of designing and putting out notices to the public, usually in order to sell a product or service. [1/2 definitions]
advertising man one who works in the advertising business, esp. as a designer, salesman, or executive; adman.
affair (plural) public or business matters. [1/5 definitions]
affairs public or business matters.
agency a company or organization that does business in support of other companies or people. An agency helps people do things that are difficult or complicated to do just by themselves. [2/3 definitions]
airline a business that offers travel by airplane from one place to another.
antitrust in opposition to unrestrained monopolistic business practices.
associate a person who is active with someone else in operating a business; a partner. [2/3 definitions]
attaché case a flat rectangular briefcase, hinged like a suitcase, and usu. used for carrying business papers or documents.
backer someone who supports or gives time or money to a business, a cause, or the like.
bandit one who takes unfair advantage of others, esp. in business dealings; swindler; cheat. [1/3 definitions]
bank2 a business for holding, borrowing, or exchanging money.