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airmail by way of air. [1/5 definitions]
bomb a portable container which ejects gas, foam, or poison by way of its own internal pressure. [1/8 definitions]
bring to cause to occur or change by way of persuasion, deliberate force, or natural consequences. [1/3 definitions]
buy to obtain by way of trade or exchange. [1/7 definitions]
by water by way of a boat or ship.
detour to travel by way of a detour. [2/3 definitions]
garnish to place something upon or around (a food) by way of decoration or to provide a complementary flavor, texture, or color. [1/5 definitions]
route to direct by way of a route. [1/4 definitions]
sherif a descendant of Muhammad by way of Fatima, his daughter. [1/3 definitions]
step- related by way of a remarriage.
stipendiary paid for by way of a stipend. [1/4 definitions]
teleview to view by way of a television receiver. [1/2 definitions]
Thu Bon River a river that flows from the western mountainous areas of Vietnam to the East China Sea, by way of the city of Hôi An.
trial done by way of a trial or experiment. [1/5 definitions]
under into or by way of a lower place or position. [1/15 definitions]
via traveling through; by way of. [1/2 definitions]