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Dictionary Suite
birdcage a cage for confining or keeping birds.
breastbone the bone located in the center of the chest that connects the two halves of the rib cage; sternum.
cage a similar structure that carries or protects people, such as an elevator car or a bank cashier's cage. [2/4 definitions]
canary a small greenish to yellow finch native to the Canary Islands, often kept as a singing cage bird. [1/3 definitions]
coop a cage or pen for small animals. [1/2 definitions]
Heimlich maneuver an emergency technique used to save a person choking on something, such as food. One must stand behind the person choking and wrap one's arms around the person, just below the rib cage. One then presses hard in an upward movement to force air from the lungs. The rush of air should eject the object.
litter material such as straw, wood shavings, or clay granules spread in a stable, chicken coop, pet's cage or the like. [1/11 definitions]
mew2 to shut away or confine as in a cage (often fol. by "up").
pigpen a yard or cage where pigs are kept.
pigsty an enclosed area or cage where pigs are kept; pigpen. [1/2 definitions]
rib cage the structure of ribs forming a cage around the internal organs of the chest.
squirrel cage a cage, for a squirrel or other small animal, containing a drum that turns when the animal runs inside it. [1/2 definitions]
tram1 the vehicle or cage for hauling loads on an overhead cable system, as on a mountainside; cable car. [1/4 definitions]