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balance to calculate the difference between the credits and debits of (an account). [1/8 definitions]
cipher to solve (a problem) by using arithmetic; calculate. [1/7 definitions]
compound1 to calculate or pay (interest) on accrued interest as well as on principal. [1/12 definitions]
compute to figure out or calculate by using arithmetic. [1/2 definitions]
count1 to add up; calculate. [1/8 definitions]
differential in mathematics, a function that expresses the incremental increase of another function as a variable increases, and that can be used to calculate slopes, curves, accelerations, and the like. [1/8 definitions]
estimate to calculate the approximate amount, size, or value of. [1/6 definitions]
extract in mathematics, to calculate (the root of a number). [1/9 definitions]
figure to find an answer to by using numbers; calculate. [2/10 definitions]
Greenwich time the solar time that is determined at the prime meridian through Greenwich, England, and that is used to calculate and regulate time throughout most of the world; Greenwich mean time.
Jewish calendar a lunisolar calendar that is used by the Jews to calculate holidays, is reckoned from 3761 B.C., and has twelve months in most years and another month added about every three years.
market basket a selection of goods and services, esp. food, considered to represent a typical family's needs over a period of time, and used to calculate changes in the cost of living.
miscalculate to calculate or judge incorrectly.
miscount to count or calculate incorrectly. [1/2 definitions]
phonon a quantum of sound or vibrational energy that is used to calculate the thermal and vibrational properties of solids. (Cf. photon.)
recalculate to calculate again, esp. to check for errors.
reckon to determine by counting or estimating; make a judgment, as of length, time, or the like; calculate. [1/5 definitions]
return an official form used to report one's income to the government and to calculate any tax that may still be due for the current tax period; tax return. [1/23 definitions]
ring up to record or calculate (the price of a sale) on a cash register. [1/2 definitions]
tax return an official form used to report one's income to the government for a particular tax period and to calculate any tax that may still be due; tax return.
triangulation a system used by navigators and surveyors to calculate the distance between two points, or the relative position of points on a plane, in which each known point is made the vertex of a triangle and each triangle is given a base line of known length. [1/2 definitions]