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claim to need or call for. [1/5 definitions]
collect to call for or obtain payment. [1/8 definitions]
command to draw out or call for; to capture. [1/7 definitions]
conjure to call forth or appeal to (a spirit or devil). [2/4 definitions]
do-si-do the call for this movement. [1/4 definitions]
elicit to call forth; evoke. [1/2 definitions]
entail to call for or bring about as a necessary accompaniment; necessarily involve. [1/5 definitions]
evoke to call forth or bring out (an image, memory, response, or the like) in the mind or in action. [1/2 definitions]
gavel a small wooden hammer. It is used by a judge or someone in charge of a meeting or auction to get attention, call for order, or signal a sale.
grouse1 a plump game bird with dull, spotted feathers. The male does a complicated dance or call for the female.
hello a word used as a greeting, statement of surprise, or call for attention. [1/2 definitions]
inflammatory tending to arouse and excite the emotions, or call forth an emotional response. [1/2 definitions]
invoke to call forth or summon (a spirit) with an incantation; conjure. [1/4 definitions]
knocker a metal piece with a hinge that is attached to the outside of a door. A knocker is used to call for those inside.
Mayday the international radiotelephone distress signal, used by ships and aircraft in need of help.
muster to gather up or call forth from within oneself (often followed by "up"). [1/4 definitions]
plea a serious or sincere call for help; appeal. [1/2 definitions]
recall of a manufacturer, to call for faulty products to be returned to the factory. [1/6 definitions]
reveille a call sounded early in the morning to waken or alert people, esp. a bugle call for troops to assemble.
SOS a call for help from a ship that is in trouble. SOS is an abbreviation for save our ship.
subpoena to call for, summon, or serve with a subpoena. [1/2 definitions]