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ataractic free from anxiety or other emotional strain, esp. as a result of taking a drug; calm; tranquil.
bask to lie in a warm, calm place.
Beaufort scale a scale that rates the force and speed of wind from 0, "calm," to 12 or more, "hurricane".
calm to become calm (usually followed by "down"). [1/6 definitions]
calm down to become calm or calmer.
calming causing one to feel calm; causing one to feel less nervous, tense, or upset.
collect to make oneself calm, especially after being upset or disturbed. [1/5 definitions]
collected in control; self-possessed; calm. [1/2 definitions]
comforting serving or intending to calm the nerves or to relieve physical discomfort. [1/2 definitions]
compose to make (oneself) calm or ready. [1/3 definitions]
composed in a calm and collected state; serene.
cool calm and under control. [1/4 definitions]
cool it (slang) to calm down.
cope1 to deal with problems and responsibilities, esp. in a calm or rational way. [1/2 definitions]
disconcert to upset the calm or self-assurance of; ruffle. [1/2 definitions]
dispassionate without strong feeling or bias; calm; impartial.
disquiet lack of mental calm or peace; anxiety; uneasiness. [1/2 definitions]
easygoing not worried or rushed; not easily upset; relaxed; calm; placid. [1/2 definitions]
equanimity the quality of remaining calm, serene, or unruffled, esp. under stress; composure.
even steady; calm. [1/12 definitions]
even-tempered of quiet disposition; not easily upset; calm.