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battle cry a slogan or motto used by those engaged in a contest, campaign, or the like. [1/2 definitions]
blitz any fast attack or campaign. [1/4 definitions]
campaign to take an active part in a campaign. [1/2 definitions]
countercampaign combined form of campaign.
Counter Reformation an aggressive campaign by the Roman Catholic Church in the sixteenth century that was aimed at countering the effects in Europe of the Protestant Reformation.
dirty tricks (informal) unethical or illegal acts, esp. against a political opponent, designed to disrupt or undermine the opponent's activities, as during a campaign. [1/2 definitions]
electioneer to campaign on behalf of a political candidate, party, or issue.
endorsement a statement given in support of a person or product, as in an advertisement or political campaign. [1/3 definitions]
fund-raiser one who appeals for donations or contributions for a particular cause, such as aiding a charity or political campaign. [1/2 definitions]
hustings (used with a sing. or pl. verb) any place, or the places, where a political candidate goes to campaign for office.
operation a military mission or campaign. [1/5 definitions]
stump to make campaign speeches in (a district or other political area). [2/10 definitions]
trophy something taken as a prize or spoil of a competition, hunt, military campaign, or the like. [1/2 definitions]
wage to carry on or engage in (a war, conflict, or campaign). [1/3 definitions]
war chest a fund of money set aside for a special purpose, such as a political campaign.
whistle-stop to carry on a political campaign, theatrical tour, or the like by making short appearances or speeches, as in a number of small towns.