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bonbon a candy with a filling of fruit jam, nuts, or creamy sugar paste enclosed in a coating of chocolate or the like.
brittle a candy made in sheets containing sugar and nuts. [1/2 definitions]
butterscotch a candy made from butter and brown sugar.
candy bar a candy in the shape of a bar, often made of chocolate or of chocolate with other ingredients such as caramel, nuts, or coconut.
candy floss (chiefly British) a candy consisting of melted sugar spun into a fluffy mass around a stick or paper cone; cotton candy.
candy-striped having diagonal stripes in alternating colors, resembling those on a candy cane or the like.
caramel a soft candy with the color and flavor of burnt sugar. [1/2 definitions]
carob the pod of this tree, used to make drinks and candy that taste like chocolate. [1/2 definitions]
chocolate a food substance often used to make candy and other sweet foods. Chocolate is made from the ground beans of a tropical plant. [2 definitions]
chocolate bar a candy bar made mostly with chocolate.
chocolatier someone who makes fine chocolate candy, or a store that specializes in the sale of it.
comfit a candy with a nut or fruit center.
confection a sweetened candy or fruit. [1/2 definitions]
confectionary a candy shop; confectionery. [3 definitions]
confectionery a candy shop; confectionary. [1/3 definitions]
cotton candy a candy made of soft, tiny bits of melted sugar spun around a stick or paper cone. Cotton candy looks like a mass of cotton but melts very quickly in one's mouth. Cotton candy is often sold at outdoor events such as fairs or festivals, or at amusement parks.
cough drop a medication in the form of a small piece of hard candy, used for soothing a cough or sore throat.
drugstore a store that sells medicine and other things for your body as well as things such as candy, magazines, and newspapers.
Easter bunny in folklore, a rabbit that brings Easter eggs, candy, presents, or the like for children for Easter; Easter rabbit.
Easter egg an imitation of such an egg, often made of candy. [1/2 definitions]
fondant a soft creamy paste made of sugar, water, and cream of tartar, used in icing and candy. [2 definitions]