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barratry in law, a breach of duty by a ship's captain or crew that results in loss to the ship's owner. [1/2 definitions]
bill of health a certificate given to a ship captain in one port, stating whether there is any infectious disease in the port or aboard the ship at the time of departure, to be shown on entering the next port.
bridge1 a high platform on a ship. The captain guides or controls the ship from the bridge. [1/4 definitions]
Capt. abbreviation of "Captain."
captain to lead as captain. [1/7 definitions]
cocaptain combined form of captain.
commander the rank directly below captain in the U.S. Navy. [1/3 definitions]
commodore in the U.S. Navy until 1899 and again during World War II, a commissioned naval officer ranked below a rear admiral and above a captain. [2 definitions]
first lieutenant a commissioned officer of the U.S. Army, Air Force, or Marines, ranking below a captain and above a second lieutenant.
first mate the officer of a merchant ship second in rank to the captain; mate.
flag officer a naval or coast guard officer above the rank of captain, who is entitled to have a special flag displayed when he or she is aboard ship.
letter of marque formerly, a government document that authorized a ship captain to seize the ships of other nations.
lieutenant a military officer of a rank just below captain. [2/3 definitions]
Maj. abbreviation of "Major," any one whose military rank is above captain and below lieutenant colonel.
major the military rank above captain. [1/3 definitions]
master a captain of a merchant ship. [1/13 definitions]
mate1 an officer on a ship who ranks directly below the captain; first mate. [1/6 definitions]
sealed orders written orders given, as to the captain of a ship, in a sealed envelope to be opened later at a specified time or place.
sergeant a police officer whose position is below a captain, lieutenant, or inspector. [1/3 definitions]
shipmaster the person in charge of a merchant ship's operation; captain.
skipper1 the master or captain, esp. of a ship. [2 definitions]