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asylum a place for the care of those who are not able to care for themselves, such as children without parents, people with mental illness, or the very old. [1/3 definitions]
attend to provide care for. [1/8 definitions]
check to put under someone's care for a short time. [1/11 definitions]
cherish to foster tenderly; care for. [1/3 definitions]
colony collapse disorder an event in which all or most of the worker bees of a hive disappear, leaving in the hive the queen, the immature bees, and some adult bees to care for the immature bees, and the honey.
conservator in law, one designated to care for the person and property of someone declared incompetent to do so. [1/2 definitions]
cradle to nurture or care for tenderly in infancy. [1/6 definitions]
day care care during the day in a home or day-care center for children too young for school or older children after school or during vacation. Day care may also offer care for elderly or disabled people.
doctor a person licensed to care for or treat people or animals, such as a physician, dentist, or veterinarian. (abbr.: Dr.) [1/6 definitions]
dry nurse a woman employed to care for another's baby but not to breast-feed it. (Cf. wet nurse.)
dry-nurse to care for (another's baby) without breast-feeding it. (Cf. wet-nurse.)
duenna in Portugal or Spain, an older woman hired to accompany, care for, and protect a girl or young woman. [1/2 definitions]
governess a woman hired to care for and teach the child or children of a family.
groom to wipe down, brush, and care for. [1/4 definitions]
guardian an adult chosen by law to be responsible for the care and protection of a child or a person who cannot care for himself or herself. [1/2 definitions]
Medicaid a program of the U.S. government that pays for health care for people who cannot pay for it themselves.
Medicare a program of the U.S. government that pays for health care for old people or people who no longer work.
minister to care for; attend to. [1/4 definitions]
mother1 to care for and nurture, especially in a tender or excessive way. [1/9 definitions]
nurse a person whose job is to care for sick and injured people. [1/3 definitions]
nursemaid a woman who is paid to care for young children.