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Dictionary Suite
axletree an axle upon which the wheels of a cart or animal-powered vehicle turn.
cariole a light, covered cart. [1/2 definitions]
cart a small, light vehicle moved by hand and used to carry things. [1/2 definitions]
cartage the conveyance of goods by cart. [2 definitions]
cartload the capacity or contents of a cart.
cartwheel the wheel of a cart. [1/2 definitions]
dogcart a small cart drawn by one or more dogs. [1/2 definitions]
dolly a low cart or platform with small wheels, used for moving heavy objects, such as television or motion picture cameras, or for maneuvering in low spaces, as under automobiles. [1/6 definitions]
dray a low but sturdy cart with removable sides that is used for moving bulky or heavy objects. [2/3 definitions]
fifth wheel a coupling structure, consisting of two rotating disks placed on the front axle of a cart or carriage, that supports the body while allowing it to turn, or a similar structure that acts as a coupling between the cab and trailer on a tractor-trailer. [1/2 definitions]
handcart a small, often two-wheeled cart drawn or pushed by hand.
harness a set of straps by which a work animal is attached to a cart, carriage, or plow. The harness is used to control and guide the animal. [1/4 definitions]
kart a small, lightweight, gas-powered, four-wheeled vehicle used for racing or recreation; go-cart.
pushcart a cart with wheels, used esp. by merchants who sell their goods on the street.
tea wagon a small wheeled table for serving tea; tea cart.
trace2 one of two ropes, chains, or straps used to harness a draft animal to a cart, carriage, or the like.
trolley a British word for a basket on wheels that can carry things like shopping items or luggage. "Trolley" has a similar meaning to "cart." [3/4 definitions]
tumbrel a two-wheeled dump cart, esp. one used by farmers to carry dung. [2 definitions]
wagon a small, open cart with four wheels and a handle, used as a child's toy. [1/2 definitions]
wain a cart or wagon used on a farm.
wheelbarrow a small cart with one or two wheels in front, two legs at the rear, and handles for pushing. Wheelbarrows are used to carry rocks, soil, leaves, and other materials short distances.