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Dictionary Suite
boom box a portable stereo radio with built-in speakers, a carrying handle, and usu. a cassette or CD player, capable of producing loud sound.
cassette a small plastic box that holds film or tape on which people record sound or pictures. A cassette can go into a camera, recording device, or playing device.
rewind to wind again, or to wind back (a cassette tape or the like) to the original position or to a preceding position.
tape a long piece of special plastic used to record sounds and pictures. Tape is often inside of a cassette. [1/4 definitions]
videocassette a cassette that holds a videotape. Videocassettes are used to record and play back pictures and sound.
Walkman trademark for a pocket-sized stereo cassette tape player used with headphones, usu. by a single individual. [1/2 definitions]