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Dictionary Suite
admonish to warn or caution. [1/2 definitions]
admonition a caution or advice against something. [1/3 definitions]
awkward slightly dangerous; requiring caution or tact. [1/4 definitions]
cautionary serving to warn or to caution; warning.
cautious displaying or inclined to show caution; wary; careful.
caveat a warning or caution, esp. with regard to the limits or stipulations of an agreement. [1/3 definitions]
creep to move with caution or stealth. [1/12 definitions]
gingerly demonstrating care or caution. [1/2 definitions]
handle with kid gloves to treat with care, caution, tact, or the like.
hesitantly with caution, uncertainty, or shyness.
hushed quiet, often out of caution, nervousness, or respect.
incaution lack of caution; rashness.
incautious lacking caution; rash or imprudent.
monition a warning or caution. [1/2 definitions]
monitory serving to warn, caution, or admonish. [1/2 definitions]
monkey (informal) to play idly, mischievously, or without sufficient knowledge or caution (often fol. by "with"). [1/3 definitions]
overcaution combined form of caution.
precaution care or caution taken in advance; foresight. [1/2 definitions]
prudence good judgment and caution; sensibleness.
prudent showing good judgment and caution; sensible.
think to exercise caution. [1/9 definitions]