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beware to be wary or cautious (often used imperatively). [1/2 definitions]
careful taking care in one's actions; cautious. [1/2 definitions]
carefully in a careful or cautious manner; with care.
careless not cautious or attentive enough; negligent (often fol. by "with," "about," or "in"). [1/5 definitions]
chary wary or mindful; cautious. [1/4 definitions]
choosy difficult to please; careful or cautious in choosing; very selective.
circumspect characterized by prudent consideration of circumstances or consequences; discreet; cautious.
Fabian employing a cautious strategy of delay, avoidance, or harassment rather than direct confrontation. [1/2 definitions]
gingerly in a careful or cautious manner; warily. [1/2 definitions]
guarded wary; cautious. [1/2 definitions]
hypercautious combined form of cautious.
mind to be cautious concerning or careful of. [1/13 definitions]
overcautious combined form of cautious.
play it safe to act so as to prevent or avoid misfortune or danger; be cautious.
safe careful; cautious. [1/4 definitions]
supercautious combined form of cautious.
tiptoe stealthy or cautious; careful. [1/6 definitions]
tricky requiring skill or cautious proceeding; difficult. [1/2 definitions]
ultracautious combined form of cautious.
unwary unmindful of potential harm or deception; not cautious.
warily in a cautious or watchful manner.