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air sac an air-filled space or cavity in a living organism, esp. any of the ends of certain bronchial tubes in a bird's body that connect with the larger body cavity and assist in breathing.
alveolus a small cavity or pit, such as one of the terminal air sacs of the lungs or one cell of a honeycomb. [1/2 definitions]
antrum a cavity within a bone, such as the pair of sinuses in the upper jaw that open into the nose.
archenteron the primitive digestive cavity at the center of an embryo that is in the gastrula stage.
aspirator a device that removes gas or fluids by suction, esp. one used to evacuate a body cavity.
atrium in anatomy, any internal cavity, esp. one of the two upper heart chambers. [1/2 definitions]
calyx in animals, a part or cavity shaped like a cup. [1/2 definitions]
catheter a thin, flexible, hollow tube inserted into a body passage or cavity to drain fluid, esp. urine from the bladder.
cecum a cavity opening at only one end, esp. the pouch at the head of the large intestine.
celiac having to do with the abdomen or the abdominal cavity. [1/2 definitions]
chamber a compartment or cavity. [1/5 definitions]
cloaca the cavity into which the intestinal, urinary, and reproductive tracts open in birds, reptiles, fish, and amphibians. [1/3 definitions]
coelenterate any of numerous invertebrate animals that have tentacles around the oral opening and a single internal cavity for various bodily functions, such as the jellyfishes, anemones, and corals.
coelom the main body cavity of the higher animals, which contains the viscera.
constrictor a muscle that constricts a cavity of the body or compresses an organ. [1/3 definitions]
curette a surgical instrument shaped like a scoop or loop and used for scraping a cavity of the body, esp. the uterus, in order to remove dead or unwanted tissue. [2 definitions]
-cyst sac; cavity; vesicle; bladder.
decompression the relieving of excess pressure, as in a body cavity, by surgery. [1/2 definitions]
dilatation in medicine, the state or condition of abnormal enlargement of an organ, cavity, or canal of the body.
dilator a medical instrument that dilates a body part, such as a cavity or orifice. [1/2 definitions]
diverticulum a tubular pouch or sac that branches out from a body canal, organ, or cavity, occurring as a normal or abnormal growth.