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alt.2 abbreviation of "altitude," the height of a given object or location above a specified base, such as sea level or earth, esp. the angular distance of a celestial body, measured from the horizon.
altitude in astronomy, the angular distance of a celestial body, measured from the horizon. [1/4 definitions]
atmosphere the mass of gases surrounding the earth or any other celestial body. [1/3 definitions]
eclipse at a particular observation point, the blocking of light from one celestial body by another, such as the eclipse of the sun by the interposition of the moon, or the eclipse of the moon by the earth's coming between the sun and moon. [1/6 definitions]
geochemistry the chemical composition of a celestial body, or a change in this composition. [1/2 definitions]
globe a planet or other celestial body. [1/6 definitions]
magnitude the measure of brightness of a celestial body. [1/4 definitions]
occult to conceal by passing in front of, as one celestial body may conceal another. [1/8 definitions]
occultation the disappearance of one celestial body behind another, as when a planet or star is obscured by the moon. [1/2 definitions]
octant the position of one celestial body forty-five degrees away from another. [1/4 definitions]
outer space space beyond the defined boundaries of a celestial body, esp. the earth.
planet a large, nonluminous celestial body, esp. one of the nine in the solar system, that revolves around a star and often has one or more satellites. [2 definitions]
right ascension the angular distance of the arc of one of the hour circles of a celestial body, measured eastward along the equator from the vernal equinox to the intersection of the hour circle, and expressed in degrees or hours; the celestial equivalent of longitude.
sphere of influence in astronomy, the region around a celestial body within which the primary gravitational force on an orbiting object is that body. [1/3 definitions]
transit the passage of a celestial body across the face of another or across the meridian or the telescopic field of an observer. [2/7 definitions]
weight in physics, the force with which an object is attracted to the Earth or another celestial body, which is equal to the object's mass multiplied by the acceleration due to gravity. [1/13 definitions]