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anoint to honor or make holy by applying oil as part of a religious ceremony.
ave Hail!; Hello!; Welcome! (used mainly in religious ceremony). [1/4 definitions]
baccalaureate a ceremony given for a class about to graduate from a school, or the address or sermon at such a ceremony. [1/2 definitions]
baptism a Christian ceremony in which someone who wishes to join the church is sprinkled with water or dipped in water.
baptize to perform the Christian ceremony of dipping in or sprinkling with water as a symbol of becoming a member of the church. [2 definitions]
bar mitzvah a Jewish ceremony that celebrates a boy becoming an adult and the beginning of his religious duties. The bar mitzvah usually takes place when the boy is thirteen years old.
bat mitzvah a Jewish ceremony that celebrates a girl becoming an adult and the beginning of her religious duties. The bat mitzvah usually takes place when the girl is thirteen years old.
beatify in the Roman Catholic Church, to proclaim (a deceased person) blessed in heaven and deserving of a ceremony of honor. [1/3 definitions]
bridal a wedding ceremony. [1/2 definitions]
bridesmaid a woman who attends the bride in a wedding ceremony.
celebrant one who officiates at a religious ceremony, as a priest at communion. [1/3 definitions]
celebrate to perform (a religious ceremony or ritual). [1/4 definitions]
ceremonial pertaining to, characterized by, or used in a ceremony. [1/3 definitions]
ceremonious given to formality or ceremony; formally polite. [2 definitions]
changing of the guard a ceremony in which a guard is replaced by another guard.
christening a ceremony in which something such as a ship is named or dedicated. [1/2 definitions]
circumcision the act or ceremony of circumcising or, the fact of being circumcised.
color guard those who carry and escort a country's flag or several colored flags in a parade or ceremony.
commemorate to honor the memory of with some special token or ceremony. [1/2 definitions]
commemoration a ceremony to honor the memory of a person or event. [1/2 definitions]
commencement the day or ceremony of graduation from a school or college. [1/2 definitions]