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Dictionary Suite
all right without a doubt; certainly; definitely. [1/5 definitions]
alright all right; without a doubt; certainly. [1/4 definitions]
apparently most certainly; clearly. [1/2 definitions]
definitely without a doubt; certainly.
doubtless certainly.
easily without doubt; certainly. [1/2 definitions]
just really; certainly. [1/12 definitions]
no doubt certainly.
of course certainly. [1/2 definitions]
probably quite likely; almost certainly.
really certainly; very. [1/2 definitions]
sans doute (French) without a doubt; certainly.
scarcely certainly not. [1/2 definitions]
seal1 to decide or determine certainly and finally. [1/10 definitions]
sure (informal) certainly; surely. [1/4 definitions]
surely certainly. [1/2 definitions]
without fail certainly; positively.