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abomasum the fourth stomach chamber of cud-chewing mammals such as cows, in which food is digested.
bathyscaph a small, self-contained deep-sea research submarine with a spherical observation chamber mounted under the hull.
bathysphere a spherical diving chamber used for studying deep-sea life.
bellows (used with a sing. or pl. verb) a device with a flexible, valved air chamber that can be expanded to draw in air and compressed to expel it through a nozzle, used to blow air on a fire or to sound a musical instrument. [1/3 definitions]
breech the back part of a gun barrel, esp. the location of the loading mechanism and chamber. [1/3 definitions]
caisson a watertight chamber used in constructing or repairing underwater structures. [1/2 definitions]
cave an underground storage chamber, esp. a wine cellar. [1/4 definitions]
chamber to enclose or confine in or as if in a chamber. [1/6 definitions]
combustion chamber an engine chamber, esp. in a jet or rocket, in which fuel or a propellant is burned.
commode a washstand or cupboard containing a chamber pot. [1/3 definitions]
crypt a burial chamber or underground vault, esp. one beneath a church.
cylinder in a pump or engine, the cylinder-shaped chamber in which a piston moves. [2/5 definitions]
cyst in certain lower plants and fungi, a chamber containing reproductive cells. [1/3 definitions]
decompression sickness a painful and sometimes fatal condition caused by the formation of nitrogen bubbles in the blood, resulting from returning to atmospheric pressure too quickly from deep water or a compression chamber; aeroembolism; bends.
diesel shortened form of "diesel engine," a type of internal-combustion engine that burns fuel oil which is ignited by being sprayed into a chamber in which highly compressed air, rather than an electric spark, provides the heat. [1/3 definitions]
diesel engine a type of engine that burns fuel oil. Diesel engines are different from most car engines, which use an electric spark to ignite the fuel. In a diesel engine, the fuel is sprayed into a chamber and set on fire by the heat of air that has been put under high pressure. Big trucks have diesel engines.
divertimento a light instrumental chamber composition with several short movements, usu. written in the eighteenth century.
diving bell a large metal chamber used for underwater work and supplied with air under pressure equal to that of the surrounding water.
follicle a dry seed vessel, such as a milkweed pod, that has a single chamber, having developed from a single ovary, and that splits open along one seam when mature. [1/3 definitions]
fountain a chamber from which a liquid, such as ink in a pen, can be supplied slowly and steadily. [1/5 definitions]
fuel injection any of several systems by which fuel is sprayed directly into an engine's combustion chamber. [1/2 definitions]