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about-face an abrupt, complete change in opinion, beliefs, actions, or the like; switch; reversal. [1/3 definitions]
accelerate to change speeds from a slower rate to a faster rate. [1/4 definitions]
accommodation a change that has been made to adapt a thing to someone's needs. [1/2 definitions]
acidify to make or change into acid. [2 definitions]
acquired characteristic a change in the structure or function of a living organism that is caused by environmental factors and may not be transmitted genetically.
activation code a set of characters, consisting of numbers, letters, characters, or a combination of these, that is sent by a website to a user's email so that the website can verify the user's email address and comply with the user's request to begin a new service or change personal information. Once received, the user enters the code into the provided box on the website so that fulfillment of the user's request can begin.
adamant unlikely to change in response to any request or argument; firmly decided or fixed; unyielding. [1/3 definitions]
adapt to change for a particular use. [1/2 definitions]
adaptation in biology, the process of change in a living thing, over time, resulting in it being better able to survive and multiply. [1/4 definitions]
additive a substance added to another substance in small amounts to change or improve it.
adiabatic of, relating to, or denoting a process that occurs without loss or gain of heat, such as a change in the volume or pressure of the contents of a container.
adjust to change in order to fit in; get used to. [1/2 definitions]
adjustable able to adjust; able to change or adapt oneself. [1/2 definitions]
affect1 to cause a change in.
affix a word part, such as a prefix or suffix, that is added to a word to change its meaning or function. The prefix "un-" and the suffix "-ness" are both affixes. [1/2 definitions]
air pocket a downward air current that can cause an abrupt change, usu. a drop, in an aircraft's altitude.
allomerism change in chemical composition without accompanying change in crystalline form.
alter to make different in some way; change. [2 definitions]
alteration a modification or change. [1/3 definitions]
amend to change or add to a law, contract, or other document.
amendment an official change made to a bill, law, or other document.