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bazaar a sale of many different things for the purpose of raising money for an organization or charity. [1/2 definitions]
beg to ask for charity or gifts. [2/3 definitions]
beneficence an act of kindness or charity; benefaction. [1/2 definitions]
benevolence an act of kindness or charity. [1/2 definitions]
bread line a line in which people stand to receive food from a charity organization or the government during hard times, or the people in such a line.
caritas (Latin) love; charity.
carwash a similar, temporary enterprise, usu. to raise funds for a charity, school, athletic team, or the like. [1/2 definitions]
charitable of, concerned with, or intended for charity. [1/3 definitions]
donate to give in order to help a charity or other group.
eleemosynary of, pertaining to, dependent on, or given as charity; charitable.
fund-raiser one who appeals for donations or contributions for a particular cause, such as aiding a charity or political campaign. [1/2 definitions]
love feast in early Christianity, a meal eaten together as a token of charity and brotherly love. [1/3 definitions]
mendicant living on charity; begging. [2/4 definitions]
OXFAM a British charity, originally named Oxford Famine Relief, engaged in relieving poverty and suffering worldwide and commonly associated with its thrift shops that sell donated goods.
pauper an extremely poor person, esp. one who must live on public charity. [1/2 definitions]
Pecksniffian feigning charity and moral purity; hypocritical in one's attitude of benevolence.
pledge an amount of money promised as a donation to a church, charity, or the like. [1/10 definitions]
rummage sale a sale of miscellaneous new or used articles, usu. donated to raise funds for a charity, service organization, or the like.
seal1 a small, decorative stamp designed to ornament envelopes, gifts, or the like and sometimes to promote a charity. [1/10 definitions]
telethon a television program of several hours or more, usu. broadcast to raise funds for a charity or other cause.
theological virtues in Christian theology, the three virtues of charity, hope, and faith, which represent perfect natural, moral, and ethical principles.