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Dictionary Suite
allure the force of appeal or charm. [1/3 definitions]
amulet a charm or talisman worn for good luck or to ward off evil.
beguile to cause to be distracted, as by charm, flattery, or the like. [1/3 definitions]
bewitch to charm or fascinate. [1/2 definitions]
captivate to charm or fascinate, as by beauty or wit; enthrall.
captive held by charm or beauty; captivated. [1/6 definitions]
character unique charm or distinction. [1/7 definitions]
charming full of charm; pleasant; attractive.
charmless combined form of charm.
duende (Spanish) a quality that makes one magnetically attractive to others; irresistible charm.
enchant to charm and delight. [1/2 definitions]
enchantment a magic charm or spell; an instance of casting a spell.
entrance2 to put into a trance or a state of delight; charm.
exquisite of exceptional beauty or charm; delicately or finely made. [1/4 definitions]
fairyland the imaginary abode of fairies, or a real place of great beauty and charm.
fascinate to arouse and hold attention and interest, as by charm or beauty. [1/3 definitions]
fey having an unusual, otherworldly charm or appeal; elfin. [1/3 definitions]
goddess a woman of exceptional beauty, charm, or grace. [1/3 definitions]
grace beauty or charm in form, style, or motion. [2/4 definitions]
grigri a charm or fetish, usu. African or associated with voodoo.
hetaera a woman who uses charm or unscrupulous means to advance her social or financial status; adventuress. [1/2 definitions]