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banzai used by the Japanese as a battle cheer and meaning "Long live the emperor". [1/2 definitions]
bleak1 hopeless; without cheer. [1/2 definitions]
bubble over to show great cheer and liveliness.
buoyant marked by lightheartedness or cheer. [1/3 definitions]
cheerful full of cheer; happy. [2 definitions]
cheerlead to encourage fans of a sports team to cheer during a sports event, usually by calling out special types of yells and chants that fans can join in with.
cheerleading the activity of encouraging spectators to cheer for a sports team during a competitive event using special yells and chants in addition to performing strenuous athletic feats of tumbling and gymnastics to bolster spectators' enthusiasm.
cheerless without joy or cheer; gloomy, dreary, or dismal.
drab1 lacking in color or cheer; dull; dreary. [1/4 definitions]
esprit liveliness of mind or spirit; wit and good cheer.
gaiety a feeling or air of happiness or cheer. [1/3 definitions]
happy full of cheer; in good spirits. [1/4 definitions]
hip3 used as a signal to begin a cheer.
lighten2 to lessen the anxiety of; cheer (someone) up. [1/6 definitions]
radiate to project cheer or good feeling. [1/8 definitions]
raspberry a splattering noise made by protruding the tongue from between closed lips and blowing, used as an insult; Bronx cheer. [1/4 definitions]
root3 to cheer for a team or a person in a contest. [1/2 definitions]
solace to give comfort or consolation to (a person in distress, oneself, or the like); cheer up. [1/3 definitions]
unhappy characterized by or causing a lack of gladness, cheer, or joy. [1/4 definitions]
warmth an atmosphere of cheer or coziness produced by the use of warm colors. [1/5 definitions]
yell a rhythmic cheer shouted or chanted by a group, esp. by students in schools or colleges to encourage athletic teams. [1/4 definitions]