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ADHD abbreviation of "attention deficit hyperactivity disorder"; a mental disorder, usually beginning in childhood, characterized by impulsiveness and excessive activity.
adolescence the period in a person's life between childhood and adulthood.
anal-retentive in psychoanalysis, having or showing unusual obstinacy, frugality, or an excessive concern with trivial details that supposedly results from conflict over toilet training in childhood. [1/2 definitions]
attention deficit disorder a behavioral disorder, usually beginning in childhood, characterized by inability to focus one's attention, impulsive behaviors, and, often, hyperactivity; attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (often abbreviated "ADHD").
attention deficit hyperactivity disorder a behavioral disorder, usually beginning in childhood, characterized by inability to focus one's attention, impulsive behaviors, and, often, hyperactivity (often abbreviated as "ADHD").
autism a human disorder that begins to show itself in early childhood. Autism is marked by problems with language learning, language use, and social interaction.
cystic fibrosis a congenital disease usu. developing in childhood and characterized by poor digestion, breathing difficulties, and pancreatic inflammation.
fixation the arrest of psychological development at some stage before maturity, esp. in early childhood. [1/3 definitions]
grow up to move from childhood to adulthood.
imago in psychoanalysis, an idealized concept or image of someone, formed in childhood and persisting into adulthood. [1/2 definitions]
infancy the first months of a child's life; very early childhood. [1/2 definitions]
psychoanalysis a method of studying and treating mental disorders and illnesses by analyzing dreams, early childhood memories, and other experiences as keys to the subconscious mind.
puerile of or relating to children or childhood. [1/2 definitions]
screen memory in psychoanalysis, a recollection of early childhood that seems significant but actually masks a more profound related memory that remains repressed.
thymus a vestigial ductless gland or glandular structure found in vertebrates, usu. at the base of the neck, that is active during childhood in modifying white blood cells and building resistance to disease, but becomes inactive in the adult.
youth the period between childhood and adulthood. [1/5 definitions]