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advent (cap.) the coming of Jesus Christ, or the period including four Sundays before Christmas. [1/2 definitions]
balsam fir an evergreen tree of the pine family, native to Canada and the northeastern United States, which is cut for pulpwood and Christmas trees and from which Canada balsam is derived.
Boxing Day December 26, a holiday in the UK and other Commonwealth countries, publicly observed on the first weekday after Christmas.
carol a song of joy, esp. a Christmas hymn. [2/4 definitions]
Charles Dickens popular and acclaimed English novelist, best known for the novels Oliver Twist, David Copperfield, and A Christmas Carol (b.1812--d.1870).
Christmas Eve the evening or day before Christmas.
Christmastide the portion of the year associated with Christmas, often December 24 to January 6.
Christmas tree a real or imitation evergreen tree, usu. mounted indoors and decorated with lights and ornaments at Christmas.
crèche a model of Jesus Christ's nativity in the Bethlehem stable, exhibited esp. at Christmas. [1/3 definitions]
holly the leaves and berries of this plant, often used for Christmas decorations. [1/2 definitions]
Merry Christmas used as a greeting, when meeting or parting, to wish someone a joyful time at Christmas.
mistletoe a sprig of such a plant, often used as a Christmas decoration. [1/2 definitions]
Noël Christmas or the Christmas season. [2 definitions]
pre-Christmas combined form of Christmas.
Saint Nicholas a Greek bishop of the fourth century and Christian saint renowned for his giving of small gifts and from whose legend evolved the cultural figure of Santa Claus associated with the Christmas holiday (b. 270 A.D.?--d. 343 A.D.). [2 definitions]
Saint Nick (informal) shortened form of "Saint Nicholas"; in North American folklore, a chubby, jolly, bearded old fellow who embodies the charitable spirit of Christmas. He wears a red suit, lives at the North Pole, and brings children presents at Christmas; Santa Claus.
Santa Claus in North American folklore, a chubby, jolly, bearded old fellow who embodies the charitable spirit of Christmas. He wears a red suit, lives at the North Pole, and brings children presents at Christmas; St. Nicholas; St. Nick; Kriss Kringle.
Scotch pine a hardy pine, native to Europe and Asia, that is grown for lumber and as a Christmas tree.
Scrooge the main character in Charles Dickens's nineteenth-century fable A Christmas Carol, who, as a result of visits from several spirits, changes from a hard-hearted miser to a generous employer and philanthropist. [1/2 definitions]
tinsel a glittering material with a metallic appearance that is produced in strips, sheets, or the like and used for its decorative effect, esp. at Christmas. [1/6 definitions]
trim to decorate or make an attractive display of or in (a Christmas tree, display window, or the like). [1/13 definitions]