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Dictionary Suite
around measured along the outside edge; in circumference. [1/12 definitions]
cycloid in geometry, a curve traced by a point on the circumference of a circle that is rolling along a straight line. [1/3 definitions]
diameter in geometry, a straight line passing through the center of a circle or sphere and having its ends on the circumference or surface. [2/3 definitions]
epicycle in early astronomy, a small circle whose center moves along the circumference of a larger circle. [2 definitions]
girth the length around something, esp. the waist or abdomen; circumference. [1/4 definitions]
helix a three-dimensional curve with a central axis and a steadily increasing, steadily decreasing, or constant circumference; spiral.
paddle wheel an engine-driven or pedal-operated wheel that has boards or paddles fixed at right angles around its circumference, used to propel a boat, esp. a river steamboat.
pi a number equal to the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter. The value of pi is approximately 3.1416 or 22/7.
radian a unit of angular measure. One radian is defined as the angle that is formed when two radii of a circle cut a slice of the circumference that is equal in length to the radius.
radius a straight line segment extending from the center to the surface of a sphere or from the center to the circumference of a circle. [1/7 definitions]
waistline the narrowest part of the waist, or the circumference of this part. [1/2 definitions]