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cacique in parts of Latin America, esp. formerly, the chief of an Indian clan or tribe. [1/3 definitions]
chieftain a leader of a clan or tribe.
clannish characteristic of a clan. [1/2 definitions]
clansman a male member of a clan.
clanswoman a female member of a clan.
elder1 an older person who has authority, as in a tribe or clan. [1/7 definitions]
endogamy marriage within one's own class, clan, caste, tribe, or other social unit. (Cf. exogamy.) [1/2 definitions]
gens in ancient Rome, a patrilineal clan having a common name and worshiping a common ancestor. [2 definitions]
headman a leader or chief, as of a tribe or clan. [1/2 definitions]
interclan combined form of clan.
intermarriage marriage between two people who are from the same clan or other specified unit; endogamy. [1/2 definitions]
intermarry to marry within one's own family or clan. [1/3 definitions]
kindred a group of related people, such as a tribe or clan. [1/4 definitions]
subclan combined form of clan.
tartan1 one of the patterns of such a plaid, known by the name of the clan that it designates. [1/3 definitions]
thane in feudal Scotland, a lord and chief of a clan. [1/2 definitions]
totem a living thing, such as an animal or plant, that is taken as the symbol of a family or clan. [1/2 definitions]
tribalism a strong sense of identification with and loyalty to the tribe, clan, team, or other social group of which one is a participating member. [1/2 definitions]