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Dictionary Suite
fieldwork scientific research, exploration, or observation conducted in the field rather than the laboratory or classroom. [1/2 definitions]
homeroom a classroom where students meet at the beginning of the school day for attendance and announcements.
lectern a desk or stand with a slanted top to hold books, notes, or the like for a standing speaker or reader, as in a classroom or church.
music room in a school, a classroom where music is taught and where instruments may be kept.
nonclassroom combined form of classroom.
recite to perform the oral recall of prepared lessons, as in a classroom. [1/5 definitions]
roll call the reading aloud of a list of names of those expected to be present, such as students in a classroom, soldiers in a unit, or members at a meeting. [1/2 definitions]
study hall a classroom or other area set aside for this use. [1/2 definitions]