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acetic acid a clear, colorless, sour liquid compound that is the main ingredient in vinegar and is used in solvents, acetate fibers, plastics, and other products.
acquit to clear (someone) of a charge or accusation, as in a court of law. [1/3 definitions]
alcohol a clear liquid made from certain grains and fruits that has an effect on a person's mind and physical ability. Alcohol is in drinks such as beer and wine. It is also used to make some kinds of medicine. [1/2 definitions]
alexandrine (sometimes cap.) in poetry, a twelve-syllable line with alternating unstressed and stressed syllables, usu. with a clear pause after six syllables. [1/2 definitions]
anisole a clear aromatic liquid synthesized esp. for use in perfumes.
antithesis a clear oppositeness; contrast. [1/2 definitions]
apparent easy to see; clear.
aqueous humor a clear, watery liquid that fills the chambers between the cornea and the lens of the eye.
articulate able to speak or express oneself in a clear way. [2 definitions]
at loose ends without clear plans or things to do; not sure what to do with oneself; uneasy.
azure the color of a clear blue sky. [1/2 definitions]
bail3 to clear (a boat) of water by scooping with a container (usu. fol. by "out"). [1/4 definitions]
banana oil a clear synthetic liquid with a bananalike odor, used as a flavoring or paint solvent, and in the making of lacquers; amyl acetate.
blank empty or clear, as a space on a surface. [1/12 definitions]
blindfold to prevent clear perception or thinking. [1/4 definitions]
blue having the color of the sky on a clear bright day.
blunder to act or move in an awkward way or without clear purpose. [1/3 definitions]
blur to become less clear or harder to see. [1/5 definitions]
bouillon a thin, usu. clear broth, or the stock for making such a broth.
bright strong or clear in color or shine. [1/3 definitions]
broad clear, full, or open. [1/3 definitions]