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arduous difficult to climb; steep. [1/3 definitions]
ascend to go upward; climb; rise. [2 definitions]
ascent the act of going up; climb; rise. [1/2 definitions]
board to enter or climb into or on. [1/9 definitions]
breast to climb or surmount (a mountain or obstruction). [1/6 definitions]
clamber to climb with difficulty or in an awkward way, using hands and feet.
climbable combined form of climb.
escalade to climb up and enter by ladder. [1/2 definitions]
gecko a small lizard with soft skin that eats insects. The gecko has a short body and large head and can climb walls and trees. It is found in tropical areas.
herringbone to climb a slope with skis pointed outwards. [1/5 definitions]
ivy any of several plants like this, that climb or grow along the ground. [1/2 definitions]
ladder a structure with steps that you use to climb up to high places. You can move a ladder from one place to another. [1/2 definitions]
manhole an opening in a street large enough for a person to climb into to make repairs underneath the street. A manhole is usually covered by a lid.
monkey bars any of numerous arrangements of horizontal and vertical bars, used as playground equipment for children to climb on, swing from, and the like; jungle gym.
mount1 to climb. [1/7 definitions]
mountaineer to climb mountains as a sport. [1/3 definitions]
mudskipper any of various goby fishes of Asia and Polynesia that are able to move about on land and have a modified pectoral fin that enables them to climb mangrove roots.
outclimb combined form of climb.
play structure a large structure, often made of metal or wood, that is built for children to climb and play on. Play structures are most often found in school playgrounds or parks.
remount to mount or climb again. [1/2 definitions]
saddle to climb into a saddle (often followed by "up"). [1/5 definitions]