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all thumbs awkward, especially with the hands; clumsy.
ape (informal) a large, clumsy, uncouth person. [1/5 definitions]
awkward without physical skill or grace; clumsy. [1/3 definitions]
barge in to enter or interrupt in a rude or clumsy way.
bear2 a large, clumsy, or rude person. [1/5 definitions]
bearish like a bear in physique or manner; burly; clumsy; rude. [1/2 definitions]
botch to spoil or ruin as a result of clumsy work or poor repairs; bungle. [2/3 definitions]
bumpkin1 an ignorant, clumsy, uncultured person from a rural area; yokel.
dodo any of several large, clumsy, flightless birds formerly found on islands in the Indian Ocean but now extinct. [1/2 definitions]
duffer (informal) a clumsy, stupid, or incapable person. [1/2 definitions]
flounder1 to move forward in a clumsy way, often losing balance. [2 definitions]
fumble to search or feel about for something in a nervous or clumsy way. [2/4 definitions]
gawk someone who is clumsy and stupid. [1/2 definitions]
gawky ungainly; awkward; clumsy.
ham-handed clumsy or indelicate, as using large awkward hands or an awkward, insensitive approach.
heavy-handed not adept or skillful; without dexterity or talent for precision; awkward; clumsy. [1/2 definitions]
hooker1 any old, antiquated, or clumsy ship. [1/2 definitions]
hulk a large, clumsy person. [1/2 definitions]
hunk a large, crude, or clumsy piece; chunk.
inept not suitable; out of place; clumsy. [1/3 definitions]
inexpert unskilled or clumsy.