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agglomerate collected into a mass or cluster; heaped. [1/4 definitions]
aggregate formed in a dense cluster or mass. [1/6 definitions]
ament1 a dense, drooping cluster of scalelike flowers growing around a spike, found on trees such as poplars, birches, and willows; catkin.
body clock (non-technical) a cluster of cells in the hypothalamus lobe of the brain that controls Circadian rhythm, esp. the regulation of such biological functions as eating and sleeping. [1/2 definitions]
bract a leaflike part usu. located below a flower or flower cluster.
bundle in biology, a cluster of muscle or nerve fibers. [1/6 definitions]
catkin a dense, drooping cluster of small flowers growing in rows on a spike, as on a willow tree.
constellate to gather in, or as if in, a constellation; cluster.
corymb a flat-topped cluster of flowers in which the flower stalks grow upwards from various points of the main stem and become level with each other.
cyme a flower cluster that blooms from the center to the edges, and whose main stem is always topped by a flower.
devil's paintbrush a common perennial weed found in Europe and North America that bears a cluster of orange-red flowers atop a leafless stalk.
fascicle a small bundle or cluster of fibers, such as stems, flowers, or leaves in plants, or nerve fibers in animals. [1/2 definitions]
Gatling gun an early machine gun with a revolving cluster of barrels, each of which was automatically loaded and fired when the cluster was rotated.
grapeshot formerly, a cluster of small iron balls shot from cannons.
group a collection of people, things, or ideas that are in one place or are related by characteristics; cluster. [1/4 definitions]
Hercules a summer constellation in the northern sky, located between Lyra and Boötes, and containing a large star cluster. [1/3 definitions]
Hyades a cluster of more than two hundred stars in the constellation Taurus. [1/2 definitions]
inflorescence a cluster of flowers or a single flower on a plant. [1/3 definitions]
intercluster combined form of cluster.
involucre a ring of small leaves or leaflike parts at the base of a flower or flower cluster of a composite plant. [1/2 definitions]
moss a cluster or mass of such plants. [1/3 definitions]