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coca either of two shrubs native to the Andes, the dried leaves of which are the source of cocaine and other alkaloids. [1/2 definitions]
crack (slang) a highly addictive form of purified cocaine that is smoked in a pipe. [1/15 definitions]
freebase a refined form of cocaine for smoking. [2 definitions]
line1 (slang) a small amount of cocaine in a thin row for sniffing. [1/21 definitions]
snow (slang) heroin or cocaine. [1/8 definitions]
snowbird (slang) a heroin or cocaine addict. [1/3 definitions]
speedball (slang) a mixture of cocaine and heroin or morphine, usu. injected. [1/2 definitions]
stimulant any substance that, when ingested, produces a similar effect, such as caffeine, sugar, cocaine, and a variety of other drugs. (Cf. depressant.) [1/3 definitions]
toot (slang) to sniff cocaine. [3/9 definitions]