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algid cold; chill.
ammonia the gas with a strong smell that is formed by combining nitrogen and hydrogen. Ammonia is used to make refrigerators cold and in making fertilizers. [1/2 definitions]
amphibian a small animal that spends part of its life cycle in water and part of its life cycle on land. Amphibians hatch in water and breathe with gills. Then they develop lungs so the adults can breathe air. Amphibians are cold-blooded animals with skeletons inside their bodies. Frogs, toads, and salamanders are amphibians. [2 definitions]
anticold combined form of cold.
arctic freezing or very cold weather as in the Arctic. [1/3 definitions]
benumb to render numb or without physical sensation, esp. by cold. [1/2 definitions]
bitter uncomfortably cold or harsh. [1/3 definitions]
black frost severe cold that blackens living plants without the appearance of frost crystals.
bleak1 bare, cold, or not protected from the weather. [1/2 definitions]
blue having a bluish color of the skin as a result of severe cold or slight injury. [1/8 definitions]
borscht a hot or cold beet soup, often served with sour cream.
brittle having or showing little warmth or compassion; cold. [1/4 definitions]
catch cold to become ill with a cold.
cautery something, such as a caustic agent or a very hot or very cold instrument, used to burn or sear and thus to destroy unwanted tissue. [1/2 definitions]
chap1 of skin, to become cracked and sore from exposure or cold. [1/3 definitions]
chilblain (usu. pl.) an irritation or inflammation of the skin, usu. of the hands, feet, or face, caused by exposure to dampness and cold.
chill a feeling of cold and shaking in the body caused by a low temperature. [3 definitions]
chilly feeling coolness or cold. [1/3 definitions]
cisco any of various whitefish or the like that are native to the Great Lakes and other cold lakes in North America.
clement not very hot, cold, or stormy; mild; temperate. [1/2 definitions]
cobbler a cold drink made with wine or other alcohol, shaved ice, citrus, and sugar. [1/3 definitions]