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Dictionary Suite
abscess a collection of pus in body tissue, usu. surrounded by an inflamed area. [1/2 definitions]
accession to obtain, as for a collection. [1/5 definitions]
accumulation the act or process of accumulating; collection. [1/3 definitions]
aggregation a collection or mass of individual persons, things, or substances. [1/2 definitions]
album a book with blank pages or empty pockets in which a collection can be placed. An album can hold photographs, stamps, or mementos. [2 definitions]
almanac a published collection of interesting and useful facts about many different subjects. [1/3 definitions]
analects a collection of selected passages or excerpts from one or more authors.
anthology a collection of written works, such as poems or stories. An anthology can be written by one or by several authors.
antiphonary a collection of antiphons in book form.
archive a collection of records or information that is stored somewhere. An archive often stores things that go back a long time.
assemblage a collection or gathering of people or things; assembly. [1/4 definitions]
assembly a collection of parts put together to form a whole, as in a machine. [1/4 definitions]
assortment a collection of different sorts of things; variety.
bestiary a medieval collection of descriptions of or fables about real or mythical animals, in which each animal's nature is used to draw a moral point.
Bible any collection of writings considered sacred to a religion. [1/3 definitions]
book a collection of bound paper sheets, usu. containing written or printed words. [1/13 definitions]
Brahmana one of a collection of Hindu writings dealing with Vedic rituals and sacrifices.
bunch (informal) any group or collection. [1/2 definitions]
canon1 a collection of works, such as plays, musical compositions, or the like, that are frequently performed and considered to be of the highest quality. [1/2 definitions]
card index a systematically arranged collection of cards bearing information of specified types, such as names and addresses; card file; card catalog.
clutter to fill or litter with a messy collection of things. [2 definitions]