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Dictionary Suite
academic a teacher or scholar at a college or university. [1/3 definitions]
adult education a noncredit course of study for adults that offers instruction in a variety of subjects, typically offered by a university or college extension or by a community-based organization.
affirmative action a policy or program, supported by U. S. government regulations, to give equal opportunity in employment, college admissions, and the like to those considered previously disadvantaged, such as women and certain racial minority groups.
alma mater the school, college, or university at which one has studied. [2 definitions]
applicant one who applies for something such as a job, college admission, or financial aid.
associate professor a college or university professor ranking above an assistant professor and below a full professor.
associate's degree a degree that you get after finishing a program of studies at a community college.
audit to attend (a course at a school or college) for no credit. [1/4 definitions]
auditor one who attends a school or college course for no credit. [1/3 definitions]
B.A. a college degree earned after four years of study. "B.A". is an abbreviation of "Bachelor of Arts."
bachelor a person who has earned a four-year college degree. [1/2 definitions]
bachelor's degree a degree that you get after finishing a program of studies at a college or university.
blue book in the United States, a blank, blue-covered notebook used during college examinations. [1/3 definitions]
B.S.1 a college degree earned in a science, such as biology or chemistry, after four years of study. "B.S." is an abbreviation of "Bachelor of Science."
bursar a person who is responsible for monetary matters, esp. at a college or university; treasurer.
campus the grounds of a school, college, or university.
cardinalate the College of Cardinals in the Roman Catholic Church. [1/2 definitions]
classmate a person in the same class as another at a college or school.
classroom a room in a school or college where classes are held.
coed (informal) a woman attending a school, esp. a college, that admits both sexes. [1/2 definitions]
Coll. abbreviation of "College," a school or institution of higher learning, usu. providing education in general studies or liberal arts (used in a proper name).