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Dictionary Suite
ablaze like fire in color. [1/2 definitions]
achromic lacking color; colorless.
agate a type of quartz with cloudy patches or bands of color. [1/2 definitions]
air the mixture of gases that surrounds the earth. Air is made up of oxygen, nitrogen, and other gases, and has no taste, odor, or color. [1/6 definitions]
alabaster the white or yellowish white color of alabaster. [2/5 definitions]
almond a light tan color like the inner part of the seed of the almond. [2/3 definitions]
altocumulus a cloud having rounded, fluffy edges and a white or gray color, found at medium altitudes.
aluminum a strong, light metal with a silver color. It is used to make things such as cooking pots, car parts, and foil.
amber a yellowish brown color. [1/2 definitions]
amethyst a purplish or violet color. [2/4 definitions]
anthocyanin any of a group of plant pigments ranging in color from red to blue.
apricot the color of such fruit when ripe. [1/3 definitions]
aqua the color that comes from mixing blue, green, and a small amount of white paint.
aquamarine a bluish green color. [1/2 definitions]
areola in anatomy, a small ring of color, as around a human nipple. [1/2 definitions]
argent in heraldry, the metal silver or its color. [1/2 definitions]
ashen1 of the color of ashes; very pale. [1/2 definitions]
ashy the color of ashes; ashen. [1/3 definitions]
aubergine a dark purple, the color of eggplant. [1/2 definitions]
auburn the color that comes from mixing brown and red paint.
aureate golden in color; gilded. [1/2 definitions]