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card2 to clean or comb (fibers) with a card. [1/2 definitions]
cockscomb the comb of a rooster. [1/3 definitions]
comb a thin piece of plastic or other material that has teeth along one side. It is used to smooth or arrange hair. [2 definitions]
combings material that has been removed with a comb, such as hair or fibers.
crest a tuft of feathers, bone, or fur on an animal's head, or something that looks like this. The comb of a rooster is one kind of crest. [1/4 definitions]
curry2 to comb and groom (a horse) by using a currycomb. [1/2 definitions]
currycomb a metal comb used to groom horses. [1/2 definitions]
fine-tooth comb a comb with narrow teeth set close together.
mantilla a decorative, usu. lace scarf that is draped from a high comb fixed in the hair and that covers the head and shoulders, worn by women in Latin America and Spain. [1/2 definitions]
part the line in the hair made by a comb. [2/13 definitions]
Rhode Island White any of an American breed of chicken with white feathers and a red comb.