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activation code a set of characters, consisting of numbers, letters, characters, or a combination of these, that is sent by a website to a user's email so that the website can verify the user's email address and comply with the user's request to begin a new service or change personal information. Once received, the user enters the code into the provided box on the website so that fulfillment of the user's request can begin.
advised considered or conceived (usu. used in combination). [1/2 definitions]
Afro of or pertaining to Africa (often used in combination). [1/2 definitions]
aggregate a sum, combination, or composite of separable elements. [1/6 definitions]
amino of, relating to, or containing an amine or other chemical substance formed by anitrogen-hydrogen group in combination with nonacidic organic compounds.
ammonia the pungent gas formed from the chemical combination of nitrogen and hydrogen, used esp. in refrigeration and in making fertilizers. [1/2 definitions]
ammonium the ion resulting from the chemical combination of ammonia and a hydrogen ion.
backed having a back or support (often used in combination).
beater an implement used for beating (sometimes used in combination). [1/4 definitions]
bellied having a belly of a particular kind (used in combination).
binary system a numbering system with a base of two. In binary numbers, any number can be expressed by 1, 0, or a combination of these. The number five is written as "101" in the binary system.
blend a mixture or combination made by blending. [1/4 definitions]
blubber puffy or swollen; fat (often used in combination). [1/5 definitions]
board daily meals, esp. in combination with rented lodging. [1/9 definitions]
bodied having body or a specified kind of body (usu. used in combination).
botch a confused combination; jumble. [1/3 definitions]
burger a patty made of any food and served as a sandwich (used in combination). [1/2 definitions]
cacophony in literary or musical composition, a discordant or unharmonious combination of sounds used for special effect. [1/2 definitions]
CAT scan a cross-sectional image formed by a computerized combination of x-rays taken along a selected axis of the body, used as a diagnostic tool in medical treatment; computerized axial tomography scan.
chested having or designating a particular type of chest or thorax (usu. used in combination).
collocation a grouping of two or more words that are often found in combination with each other in speech or writing. [1/2 definitions]