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blessing a special gift or favorable event, esp. one believed to come from a divine source. [1/4 definitions]
colony a group of people who come from the same country, or animals of the same type living closely together. [1/2 definitions]
come over to come from one place to another to visit or talk with someone, used only when people are in the same town, area, or space.
derive to come from a particular source; originate (usually followed by "from"). [1/2 definitions]
drop over to come from a relatively near place to another place for a casual visit.
family any group of things related in what they look like, do, or where they come from. [1/5 definitions]
folk a group of people who come from the same country and share the same kind of life. [1/5 definitions]
gentry people who come from families of high social standing. [1/2 definitions]
grow to come from or develop from. [1/5 definitions]
guttersnipe a person deemed to come from or have the attributes of the lowest class of society. [1/2 definitions]
hail from to have as one's place of birth or residence; come from.
high-tech involving equipment or techniques that come from applying the newest knowledge in the areas of computers and science. [1/2 definitions]
homegrown having come from, native to, or pertaining to a locale or region. [1/2 definitions]
information knowledge or facts that come from a source. [1/2 definitions]
load to transfer (data or a program) onto the memory of a computer. Data or programs may come from either the computer's storage or from an external source such as the internet. [1/17 definitions]
mineral a pure, hard substance in the earth that does not come from an animal or a plant.
oil any one of the greasy liquids that come from minerals, animals, plants or chemicals. Oil can be dissolved in alcohol, but not water. [1/3 definitions]
rainwater water that has come from falling rain.
Rhine wine any of various light, semidry, white wines that come from the Rhine Valley, or similar wines from elsewhere.
Romance language one of the modern languages that come from Latin. Italian, French, Spanish, and Portuguese are Romance languages.
Saint Patrick's Day a holiday on March 17 every year celebrated by the Irish in honor of the most important saint of Ireland. In the United States, Saint Patrick's Day is also a day to honor Ireland itself or to celebrate having come from Ireland. Because the color green is a symbol of Ireland, many people where green on this holiday.