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abut to touch along a common line or surface; come in contact (often fol. by "on", "upon," or "against"). [1/2 definitions]
abutment the place where adjoining things come in contact; juncture. [1/2 definitions]
accede to come into possession of an office, title, or the like (usu. fol. by "to"). [1/2 definitions]
align to come into line. [1/6 definitions]
appear to come into view; become visible. [2/5 definitions]
arise to come into view or existence; emerge. [1/4 definitions]
balance to be in or come into a state of balance. [1/8 definitions]
begin to come into being. [2/6 definitions]
break to come into public notice, as news. [1/26 definitions]
break down to become ineffective or unable to function. [1/4 definitions]
bring about to cause to come into being; make happen.
calcify to make or become inflexible, as an opinion. [1/2 definitions]
chalcedony a variety of quartz that is made of up of microscopic fibers that can come in several different colors and forms, which all have specific variety names. The colorfully banded variety of chalcedony is called agate.
collide to come into conflict or disagree. [1/2 definitions]
contact to touch; to come into or be in physical contact with. [1/8 definitions]
dawn on someone to come into one's mind as something newly realized or understood.
deteriorate to decline or become inferior in value or quality; debase. [1/4 definitions]
develop to come into being or operation. [1/10 definitions]
dock1 to come into dock. [1/8 definitions]
emerge to come into being; develop. [1/3 definitions]
engage to come into conflict with. [2/11 definitions]