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attentive paying attention to the needs or comfort of others. [1/2 definitions]
bask to expose to warmth or comfort (usu. used reflexively). [1/3 definitions]
bourgeois marked by a concern for respectability, comfort, and material possessions. [1/6 definitions]
casual informal and suited to physical or emotional comfort. [1/6 definitions]
cheer to comfort or make happy (sometimes followed by "up"). [2/6 definitions]
comfortable giving or feeling comfort.
comfortless combined form of comfort.
condition things that affect comfort or safety. [1/4 definitions]
console1 to give comfort in time of loss or suffering; make less sad.
convenience the quality of being useful or handy for someone's purpose or need. [2 definitions]
convenient easy to use; good for someone's needs, purposes, or comfort.
cushion a pillow or pad that one sits on or leans on for comfort. Some cushions are used for decoration. [1/4 definitions]
ease comfort and financial security. [1/11 definitions]
easy conducive to comfort and relaxation. [1/7 definitions]
extract to derive (satisfaction, comfort, or the like), usu. from some event or circumstance. [1/9 definitions]
formal suggesting or displaying refinement or elegance combined with propriety, sometimes at the expense of emotional or physical comfort. [1/9 definitions]
from rags to riches from a state of poverty to a state of wealth and comfort.
happy marked by a feeling of joy, contentment, pleasure, comfort, or the like. [1/4 definitions]
haven a place of safety, shelter, or comfort. [1/2 definitions]
high treason violation of allegiance against one's government, or the crime of giving aid and comfort to the enemies of one's own government.
in clover living in prosperity, comfort, and ease.