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Dictionary Suite
amenity something that makes a place or an occasion more convenient, pleasant, or comfortable
at ease without tension, worry, or discomfort; relaxed; comfortable. [1/2 definitions]
bed of roses a condition or situation that is comfortable, easy, or luxurious.
belonging the condition of being comfortable and friendly with others. [1/2 definitions]
comfy (informal) comfortable.
couch a comfortable seat with a back and arms for two or more people; sofa.
cozy warm and snug in a comfortable way.
curl up to get into a comfortable sitting or lying position.
cushion a soft envelope of fabric that is filled with feathers, air, foam rubber, or the like and used for decoration or to make surfaces more comfortable; pillow. [1/5 definitions]
decency (pl.) the requirements of a respectable or comfortable standard of living. [1/3 definitions]
den a comfortable, cozy room used for reading, watching TV, and other enjoyable activities. [1/2 definitions]
down-to-earth comfortable to be with; not snobbish or pretentious. [1/2 definitions]
easy without trouble or worry; comfortable; relaxed. [1/2 definitions]
element a comfortable or natural position to be in. [1/4 definitions]
find one's feet (informal) to begin to adjust to or be comfortable in a new situation.
fish out of water someone in a place or situation where he or she does not feel comfortable.
freshen up to make oneself feel more comfortable or attractive, as by cleaning oneself.
genial mild, pleasant, or comfortable. [1/2 definitions]
good well; healthy; comfortable. [1/5 definitions]
happy feeling glad, pleased, or comfortable.
homey pleasant, comfortable, or cozy; like home.