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board a group of people who manage or direct something; committee; council. [1/8 definitions]
chairman a man who is in charge of a meeting or committee.
chairperson a person who is in charge of a meeting or committee.
chairwoman a woman who presides over a board, meeting, committee, or the like.
collegium an administrative committee of equals, esp. one that formerly performed economic, political, or social management in the Soviet Union.
committeeman a male member of a committee. [1/2 definitions]
committeewoman a female member of a committee. [1/2 definitions]
director one person, or one of a committee of persons, who guides the affairs of a corporation, association, agency, or other organization. [1/3 definitions]
grievance committee a committee empowered to settle grievances, as between labor and management, according to formal procedures established by prior agreement.
House Rules Committee a powerful committee of the U.S. House of Representatives that determines when and how new legislation will be considered by House members. Often referred to as Rules Committee, its formal name is United States House Committee on Rules.
House Un-American Activities Committee a committee of the U.S. House of Representatives (1938-75) created to investigate organizations and individual Americans suspected of being subversive or disloyal to the country. (abbr.: HUAC)
HUAC abbreviation of "House Un-American Activities Committee," a committee of the U.S. House of Representatives (1938-75) created to investigate organizations and individual Americans suspected of being subversive or disloyal to the country.
joint committee a committee consisting of members from both houses of a bicameral legislature, or from two or more organizations.
jury a committee formed to make evaluations and determine winners in a competition. [1/2 definitions]
KGB abbreviation of "Komitet Gosudarstvennoi Bezopastnosti" (Russian); Committee of State Security; formerly, the security and intelligence organization of the Soviet Union.
PAC abbreviation of "political action committee."
politburo a Communist party's most powerful committee. [2 definitions]
presidium (cap.) in the Soviet Union, the executive committee of the Communist party from 1952 to 1966. [1/2 definitions]
Rules Committee a powerful committee of the U.S. House of Representatives that determines when and how new legislation will be considered by House members. Also referred to as House Rules Committee, its formal name is United States House Committee on Rules. [2 definitions]
Senate Rules Committee the committee of the U.S. Senate responsible for overseeing matters relating to rules and procedures in the Senate, federal elections, U.S. presidential succession, qualifications of Senate members, corrupt government practices, and the administration of Senate office buildings. The formal name is United States Senate Committee on Rules and Administration.
Star Chamber (often l.c.) any similarly unjust or severe tribunal, investigating committee, or group empowered to judge. [1/2 definitions]